Applying Discipline as a Translator

Discipline is a main quality that a Translator needs in order to succeed. Discipline besides being a quality is a moral value that helps into most of the careers people go into. In a Translator's case this quality can be considered one of the top three. First of all, Discipline means doing an "activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training"; so by knowing this it can be acknowledged that practice, practice, practice, is a constant activity the translator has to be developing. Discipline is like a domino effect where as each domino is being drop a point of experience is gained and that consequently will provide a translator success.

Another example of how a translator applies "Discipline" can be described and compared just like in a school enviroment. In a classroom a professor teachs the student, and in order for the student to develop a skill there is got to be homework envolved. For example, a professor and a student, who were reading an article, thought about questions and doubts during the reading. With this reading the students discipline will develop through this constant reading and homework just as a translator's discipline will develop with constant speech articulation.

So what is all this practice about?
-A Translator has to keep up with current events. News is important for this matter.
-Reading a pair of articles a day is enough for a beginner.


  1. nice job. the topic that you choose convenced me about the importance of transletor in the world.

  2. Hi, I don´t heared you, but I read your topic, You conviced me about the importance, and all the things translator need to do.

  3. Well,mmm it's interesting your topic maybe is a hart job a traslator ewll very nace.

  4. i give you a token of: canvince cause i think that there are peolple that really need translators, but they have to be confident cause there are very important things that have to be translate as they are and not just improving.

  5. Hi rach i like your story it is very interested

    so i give to you 1 token of interested


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