Tourism - Experience Design



The Challenge

Supporting Tourism in the Pandemic

Approached to help a tourism service to excel in the quoting and reservation of car rentals through mobile chat application. This involved redesigning the user experience from the website and envisioning how to use the current website to transform service booking to customers from their mobile phones. With a 3 month timeline the focused was on delivering the most effective user-journey from the start.
Photo Credit: Onsite Manager

The Discovery

The Solution Requires More than Expected

Insights from the discovery work indicated many areas where the current web-based solution could help in the connection to an automated chat solution.

It was discovered that even though a CRM and paying sites were essential, it was only one dimension in providing effective booking for clients.

To make a difference in the rental service  from mobile channel chat app it was needed to provide a more simple solution that considered the user needs relating to:

The number of APIs connections required for their existing processes to access to payment systems that can generate reports and metrics that are currently unavailable for professional development professional support and lead generation.

These insights began pointing to a web-view solution with the client database and additional APIs.

The Framework

User Flow of Content First

Before starting any design, time was spent making sense of workflows and existing content. This involved analysis on metrics and practices found in their current solution. The  particular challenges were on parameters as it was found that terminology varied between local and global systems and in-office operations. Mapping out the workflows was also challenging as there were many different touch‑points with multiple departments.
Photo Credit: Hrittika B.

Prototyping and Usability Testing

I worked closely with the developer in charge and solutions engineer to bring  designs to  prototype. Communicating requirements in meetings and discussing constraints and possibilities was an effective way of solving the gaps in Intent Design. Collaboratively, information was confirm constantly and iterated progressively

Photo Credit: Sketch

Boosting Tourism through chat bookings

Now the business can create quotes and reservations automatically to hand-out to clients through their mobile apps, along with solving the most common used case problems in their bookings. This solution aims to take the pain out of charging payments on-site by offering a completely customizable method that's always accessible through chat app.

As a designer I identified manual and  physical hazards of rental during this pandemic, so the designed was deliver accordingly


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