Telecommunications - Experience Design



The Challenge

Appointment and Technician Locator

Design a solution to locate appointed technician services for  the telecommunications industry through chat application. In order to define the user experience for this requirement internal API and systems were research to provide the best user journey to customers scheduling technitian services from their mobile phones.

The Discovery

Application channels

Discovery working showed that many service appointment processes were being done manually from scheduling, modifying, tracking, locating service technician. Therefore the  solution in need helps in the connection to an automated chat solution to solve 4 use cases in a roundup.
Internal systems connections were required to be verified and tested first for the professional design to start in its works.
Final insights began pointing to a mobile push notification solution.

The Framework

Connecting the Dots

As information collected was finally review it was time to start making sense of the workflow and existing connectivity to local systems. This involved reading and reviewing current conversation transcripts used in the appointment scheduling system. The  particular challenges here were on the automation of messages to notify customers in different timeframes as well as confirming the new skills that needed to be created in order to assist different appointment use cases automatically. Once the solution was map the user flow prove wonders.
Photo Credit: Lucidchart

Sketching interactions

The Prototyping techniques were used to bring the designs to life and evaluate them with the team and a group of users. This improve the pace of the visuals and created more ideas. Sketching many concepts helps broaden the precision in design.

Photo Credit: Sketch

Reducing no shows or delay services

The solution follows up on tracking and location of technicians automatically and allows the consumer the possibility of canceling and rescheduled in a few messages, with the help of a mobile channel app. This also solves the manual effort that was put into the employees daily tasks and allows them to focused more on meeting services on time, without delay and fewer cancelations.


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